Thursday, June 14, 2012


It came to my attention that I hadn't updated this in a loooong time. Like a super long time. My original vision of up-keeping a blog didn't turn out how i had expected. I mean, I wasn't thinking it would be a time to lazily sit down and giggle over the latest event in the Mlinek household while sipping hot cocoa and enjoying the serenity of the drizzle of raindrops outside. That would be nice though. No, instead it became one of those things that would pop in my head in the most inconvenient times, and I would surely forget about it a few moments later. I suppose the real culprit is Facebook, because I would be sharing stories for many more people to enjoy on there, as opposed to here. I guess this is more private in a ways, but it makes no difference to me because i ought to be equally careful about both. I don't think anyone bothers to check this now, thank goodness, because there is nothing to see anymore, anyways. So now I'll write a post about nothing really (I'm just in the writing mood and can't seem to continue on my story), and try to figure out this new Blogger setting (I actually don't think it's new at all [and it makes it more confusing, despite what they say], it's only new to me!). I have to find a way to finally allow Kelsey to view this, upon her request (so Kelsey, if you're reading this, I have succeeded!). And sorry for taking so long ;) Maybe I'll try to show more dedication to this? Well, I'll probably forget about that soon anyways... ;)

Monday, January 16, 2012

I Wish I Was

Every Tuesday I walk over from middle school to the elementary school and help around a kindergarten class for an hour. I get service learning hours for that. Anyways, I noticed the kids talking excitedly about being able to play with "ice" when they finished their work. Later on, they had opened a bin that always has some substance in it, whether it's water or sand, or who knows what! I walked over and thought, "why is there ice in the classroom, and why hasn't it melted?" Upon further inspection, it seemed like little watery, clear balls. They were practically minuscule, but all together I could see how it was snow. I reached to pick some up, but the kids frantically told me that I had to wash my hands first. Let me first explain that most kids in there LOVE me. They love to tell me stories and like to give me hugs and pictures that they drew in their free time. That's why I love kindergartners; they're so sweet and innocent (mostly, haha). So, as I went to wash my hands, one kid cried out, "She doesn't have to wash her hands! She owns the school!" The kids all just accepted this like it was perfectly reasonable, but I had to tell them that I didn't actually own the school. The snow was super cool, too :)