Sunday, September 25, 2011

Lucy is Reeeaaally Something Else

At church today we had to sit in the back where there are individual chairs. Next to Lucy was a little girl maybe a year younger, so about 3 or 2. They started whispering to each other, and talking about things like different movies they have at their house, and the like. So this little girl (name unknown) asked Lucy our names. When she asked what Mom's name was, Lucy replied*, "Aunt Becca". I wonder if Lucy will start calling Mom "Becca" or "Aunt Becca" now.*

*This post was mainly for you, Aunt Becky ;)
**I still remember when Lucy would call Mom "Momu" To bad that habit left!

Monday, September 19, 2011

A Mixed -Up Post

I finally got a retainer! But I'm not that happy about it. I am certainly grateful that its not that noticeable, and I do want to get it, along with braces, out of the way. The thing hurts!!! It hurts taking it off and on, and then it hurts while off or on. I know that's its going to be good, and I'm not saying that it's all bad. I'm maybe just not used to the feeling, since I did just get it. Oh well. Lucy was very sweet and said I wasn't talking funny like I felt I was (though she did go on to complain how I never let anyone else drink apple cider because I drink it all myself).

Now I feel like talking about apple cider*. Anyone that lives in the same house as me knows that I am the biggest fan of apple cider you will ever find. I looooooooooooooooooove apple cider. I am alive because of (1)weekends (2)friends and (3)apple cider. I love to drink it hot or cold, but you can't beat Mom's spiced apple cider. Sometimes I'll just put some in a cup and warm it up for 30 seconds because it warms you up just as well as hot cocoa. Hot cocoa fans might think I'm crazy, but I think apple cider totally beats hot cocoa!

Apple cider makes think of Fall. As I had been saying earlier today, Fall defines me. I love Fall 100% more than any other season. I love the crisp air, the beautiful leaves, the perfect wear-a-jacket kind of weather. The food is always the best, because there's thanksgiving, the no.1 food holiday. And there's always pumpkin food, apple foods (Yes, apple cider!) different pies, I could go on for ever! And I would never forget Halloween (or my birthday being in fall, for that matter). I actually had a dream that I missed Halloween, and my sisters all had big bags of candy, and I had to ask them for candy, yet again**. I love how there is always a sort of excitement you can't bubble up that comes around during fall (during Christmas/Winter there's that magical feeling of love and happiness that I love, too). I feel like every one gains a certain energy in Fall. Why do people send their kids out during summer? It's too hot. We personally live outside during Fall, if not in school. I could go on and on about Fall, but it would be safer for me not to, because I would literally never stop! The only damper on Fall is that it means school. But i can deal with that.
*Apple cider even deserves it's own color!
Since in Junior High, we don't have little parties on Valentines day or season-themed parties (which is kind of nice because friends give you personal gifts, and its something they wanted to do, and weren't forced to do it so it means more) they all get a piece of candy for desert, I need something so they have to give me something, and don't worry, because I do fully appreciate this.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Good Old School

What's better than waking up at six in the morning to go get your education, the basis of your future life? School: where you get to see what the term one-on-one time means when your teacher asks where your homework is*. School is also a place to meet new people, usually by thinking in your head, why the heck can't this person walk any faster? Don't they know I have a bus to catch? In school you'll learn what frustration really is, and you'll also be able to see (live!) what snobby little brats are. You will be given small tests (free!) that will show you that you were able to remember things from 2nd grade. School is the best place to go for 25 minute lectures (guaranteed!) and classwork assignments given a minute before the end of class. Everything here is guaranteed, or the PTA will ask for even more money. Go to how to torture for more information. And don't tell me school is good for you in the end. You've never been to my school.
*Thank goodness I have not had that happened to me!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Someone's Been Watching Too Much Batman...

Just to let you know, Lucy is obsessed with Batman the Animated Series and Justice League. So today when I got home from school, Lucy had been talking really rudely, so naturally she sent to time-out on the stairs/her room. She screamed and cried, and once upstairs we heard her say "Darn it! I was defeated again!". (Head shake) Something only our dear Lucy Anna would say. ;)