Sunday, September 25, 2011

Lucy is Reeeaaally Something Else

At church today we had to sit in the back where there are individual chairs. Next to Lucy was a little girl maybe a year younger, so about 3 or 2. They started whispering to each other, and talking about things like different movies they have at their house, and the like. So this little girl (name unknown) asked Lucy our names. When she asked what Mom's name was, Lucy replied*, "Aunt Becca". I wonder if Lucy will start calling Mom "Becca" or "Aunt Becca" now.*

*This post was mainly for you, Aunt Becky ;)
**I still remember when Lucy would call Mom "Momu" To bad that habit left!


  1. Katie, that is too funny! Thanks for sharing. Gabe and Gianna are on a big kick right now of just saying "Chris" and "Becca." I am hoping that they snap out of it soon.

  2. Really? You know, I didn't even notice!

  3. I love Lucy stories,they are always so funny. She is such a character. Katie your explanation of things Lucy does is spot on. You really are developing into a really good writer. It is fun to watch. Of course being your Grandma I might be a little bias !!

    Love you tooo0 muchhhh
