Saturday, October 8, 2011

My Great Relationship, and How It Quickly Ended

I'll start my story of my love life with explaining my English teacher, Mrs. Donoho. Seems weird, right? Well, don't worry, this is the story of how I made up a relationship for laughs. My English teacher can often show her passion for English by going crazy over something like prepositions and semi colons. So anyways, in class one day we were reviewing complex and compound sentences. We were sharing some complex sentences we made up ourselves. Mrs. Donoho asked one student if they used a semi colon in their sentence, and when they confirmed that, she practically yelled, "Oh I knew you used a semi colon, haha!! I'm sorry, I just get so excited over semi colons." Everyone kind of looked around at each other and burst out laughing, because no one goes crazy over semi colons, except for Mrs. Donoho I guess.
I thought it was really funny, so I told all my friends and other kids in my English class that I asked Semi Colons to the dance coming up just to make Mrs. Donoho jealous. The next day I was acting all crazy and telling everyone that me and Semi Colons were just meant to be and wondering if Semi Colons felt the same way about me. One of my friends told Mrs. Donoho that I asked Semi Colons to the dance, and she must have remembered that day because she thought it was hilarious! That night I got a brilliant idea. But, technically, it required patience (meaning I had to wait 2 days to tell the story thoroughly). I told everyone that I was totally breaking up with Semi Colons because all Semi Colons would talk about was "Mrs. Donoho this, and Mrs. Donoho that", "Mrs. Donoho loves putting me in sentences!".
I realized that if I didn't soon break up with Semi Colons he would start cheating on me. So the next day I told everyone that I found Adjective, or Adjective found me! Adjective was always complementing me, and was such a sweetheart. I told Mrs. Donoho, and she thought it was clever and loved my story. I'm letting the story go, though, because I can't break up with Adjective, can I? ;)


  1. Katie,
    You have a great imagination. You made the whole thing with Mrs Donoho really funny.No wonder she laughed.

    SOOOOOO what do these parts of speech look like?
    What can you do with that ?

    Love you tooooo much

  2. Semi Colons is more of the hunky sort but Adjective is really cute!! I must say, Adjective looks WAY better. I don't care if Semi Colons went to Brick Bodies or not! He's just a little filthy cheat!

  3. You are soooo right-those cheats you know two things about their characters, they lie and are sneaky. Look out for those Adjective's too, they can be smooth talkers.!!!

    love you sooo much'
