Thursday, August 25, 2011

Happy Birthday, Mom!

Yesterday we celebrated Mom's 35th birthday! We started the day out by looking for Lucy's shoes (which ended up being right where they belong) and headed out to Union Mills, a little area with an old mill and a house from the 1700s. It's kinda like a very, very small Williamsburg. We took a tour of the mill and our kind tour guide gave us some free cornmeal and we got some whole wheat flour that he made from the mill. And he let us sample some cookies his wife made, and he gave us the recipe! Then we were given a tour of the house. Turns out the wife of the last family to live there was extremely creative. She was a very good artist and painted the walls and furniture. That house had a lot of history. Did you know that the battle of Gettysburg wasn't supposed to be there? It was supposed to be at that house but the army was 4 hours off! Anyways, we all had a really great time. Here are some pictures of our fun day:
Here is the mill from the outside. (Unfortunately I saw a sign that said no pictures in the mill or house, so I don't have pictures of those.)

I love the look on Beth's face and Lucy's face!

Here's a gorgeous garden they had full of flowers...

and it had some little grill-looking thing. What do you think it is?

Here's a cute, little fish pond they had at the garden. Do you see those pink flowers? Keep them in mind a second.

This is Lucy in front of the fish pond. Really gives you an idea of the size of the plants, doesn't it?

See! There are those little pink flowers. You know, I'm kinda proud of this picture :)


Now for a few different pictures (meaning 3). They are at the same place but in a tree. As we were leaving, Dad wanted to see what Ruth thought of the tree. So he put her in there and I took a picture. Lucy was too scared at first but after Abie went up (*click*) Lucy decided to go up, too. I leave her picture for the last, because it is awesome.

Abbie wasn't like the brave noble knight when it came to sitting in the tree, though. She quickly got down.

Ruth looks soooo cute!!!

Last but not least, Lucy, who was too afraid to pick her head up.
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) : ): ):) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)


  1. Whoa, whoa, whoa, It's says "posted by Becca". I must have not signed into the blogger thingamajig right. I did post this, though. ;)

  2. And I didn't post it at 6:13 and it's not 5:09, it's 8:10!

  3. I love all the pics., Katie. It sounds like a great day. :)
