Monday, August 29, 2011

The Hunger Games!!!!!

The Hunger Games. It's a book. It's a trilogy, really, and the first book in the trilogy is called the Hunger Games. It's a book about a post-apocalyptic North America, where there have been areas that have sunk underwater and a lot of earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, wars, you name it. Anyways, the land is split into 13 districts and the Capitol, which is where the president and all wealthy people live. Once you're there, you never leave and no one else comes. Except for tributes. The capitol controls everyone. The districts make food for the capitol and they tend to be poorer the higher the number of the district. Once, District 13, the poorest district, rebelled. They created nuclear weapons, so they could win. But they didn't. The Capitol, in the end, destroyed them. Therefore the Hunger Games was created. It is a game where 1 boy and 1 girl are chosen from each district and are thrown in an arena to fight to the death on live TV. When Katniss (the lead character) volunteers for her sister as tribute (don't worry that's not a spoiler) she must put her past behind her and face the future, at all costs. I made up that last bit! Anyways, it is now being turned into a movie! And I'm really excited for it but it doesn't come out until March 23rd !:( Last night on the MTV Video Music Awards they showed us a teaser trailer and I tried to tape the show but it didn't work!!!!
Edit:It's okay now, I found it online!
Thank you for listening to my crazy rants.

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