Sunday, August 28, 2011

This Catastrophe!

*Warning* Sarcastic post ahead. Hurricane Irene was devastating! We lost power for 5 minutes and we had a branch come down! They even closed the first day of school!!!!
Okay. I'm done being sarcastic.
It means nothing (nothing!) when they close school. School will be delayed with a DUSTING of snow. Imagine what it's going to be like this school year, if they close the first day (the first day!) of school. I'm not really complaining, I'm glad we have no school, but you have to see where I'm coming from. School is closed because some people have no power. Understandable. Now, since school is closed, Baltimore County will call homes to tell them that school is closed. Of course. Now, these people who we're closing school for, right? The ones with no power? Well, they have no power. Your thinking "yeah, I know that". But, they - never - get - the - message. Because - they - have - no - power. See? Kids stand outside for the bus for 20 minutes (It's the first day, so they'll already be out for at least 10 minutes anyways), the bus never comes, the parents drive them to school only to figure out that school is closed. Maybe some people will figure out, if people call them on their cell phones, that there is no school. But others won't.
Back to Hurricane Irene.
Did we get a hurricane last night? I never knew. I believe it "hit us" really early in the morning, so we were all in REM mode (REM: Rapid Eye Movement [I can't believe I didn't lose all my knowledge this summer :-D]). I'm feeling murderous at the weather people right now, who are still trying to make us believe that it is the end of the world and for ramping it up for all those places where it wasn't a huge issue. Yes, branches fell down here and yes, by the ocean, on as far east as you can go in the US, it was worse, but evacuating NYC? How would it be worse there than it was here? The mayor said, "All who stay behind may as well be prosecuted" or something like that. I saw people walking around with umbrellas and people sliding on the water on the streets. And when you really do need to evacuate, people will think that it's no big deal. Ughh... I need something to cheer me up.

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