Saturday, October 8, 2011

My Great Relationship, and How It Quickly Ended

I'll start my story of my love life with explaining my English teacher, Mrs. Donoho. Seems weird, right? Well, don't worry, this is the story of how I made up a relationship for laughs. My English teacher can often show her passion for English by going crazy over something like prepositions and semi colons. So anyways, in class one day we were reviewing complex and compound sentences. We were sharing some complex sentences we made up ourselves. Mrs. Donoho asked one student if they used a semi colon in their sentence, and when they confirmed that, she practically yelled, "Oh I knew you used a semi colon, haha!! I'm sorry, I just get so excited over semi colons." Everyone kind of looked around at each other and burst out laughing, because no one goes crazy over semi colons, except for Mrs. Donoho I guess.
I thought it was really funny, so I told all my friends and other kids in my English class that I asked Semi Colons to the dance coming up just to make Mrs. Donoho jealous. The next day I was acting all crazy and telling everyone that me and Semi Colons were just meant to be and wondering if Semi Colons felt the same way about me. One of my friends told Mrs. Donoho that I asked Semi Colons to the dance, and she must have remembered that day because she thought it was hilarious! That night I got a brilliant idea. But, technically, it required patience (meaning I had to wait 2 days to tell the story thoroughly). I told everyone that I was totally breaking up with Semi Colons because all Semi Colons would talk about was "Mrs. Donoho this, and Mrs. Donoho that", "Mrs. Donoho loves putting me in sentences!".
I realized that if I didn't soon break up with Semi Colons he would start cheating on me. So the next day I told everyone that I found Adjective, or Adjective found me! Adjective was always complementing me, and was such a sweetheart. I told Mrs. Donoho, and she thought it was clever and loved my story. I'm letting the story go, though, because I can't break up with Adjective, can I? ;)

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Lucy is Reeeaaally Something Else

At church today we had to sit in the back where there are individual chairs. Next to Lucy was a little girl maybe a year younger, so about 3 or 2. They started whispering to each other, and talking about things like different movies they have at their house, and the like. So this little girl (name unknown) asked Lucy our names. When she asked what Mom's name was, Lucy replied*, "Aunt Becca". I wonder if Lucy will start calling Mom "Becca" or "Aunt Becca" now.*

*This post was mainly for you, Aunt Becky ;)
**I still remember when Lucy would call Mom "Momu" To bad that habit left!

Monday, September 19, 2011

A Mixed -Up Post

I finally got a retainer! But I'm not that happy about it. I am certainly grateful that its not that noticeable, and I do want to get it, along with braces, out of the way. The thing hurts!!! It hurts taking it off and on, and then it hurts while off or on. I know that's its going to be good, and I'm not saying that it's all bad. I'm maybe just not used to the feeling, since I did just get it. Oh well. Lucy was very sweet and said I wasn't talking funny like I felt I was (though she did go on to complain how I never let anyone else drink apple cider because I drink it all myself).

Now I feel like talking about apple cider*. Anyone that lives in the same house as me knows that I am the biggest fan of apple cider you will ever find. I looooooooooooooooooove apple cider. I am alive because of (1)weekends (2)friends and (3)apple cider. I love to drink it hot or cold, but you can't beat Mom's spiced apple cider. Sometimes I'll just put some in a cup and warm it up for 30 seconds because it warms you up just as well as hot cocoa. Hot cocoa fans might think I'm crazy, but I think apple cider totally beats hot cocoa!

Apple cider makes think of Fall. As I had been saying earlier today, Fall defines me. I love Fall 100% more than any other season. I love the crisp air, the beautiful leaves, the perfect wear-a-jacket kind of weather. The food is always the best, because there's thanksgiving, the no.1 food holiday. And there's always pumpkin food, apple foods (Yes, apple cider!) different pies, I could go on for ever! And I would never forget Halloween (or my birthday being in fall, for that matter). I actually had a dream that I missed Halloween, and my sisters all had big bags of candy, and I had to ask them for candy, yet again**. I love how there is always a sort of excitement you can't bubble up that comes around during fall (during Christmas/Winter there's that magical feeling of love and happiness that I love, too). I feel like every one gains a certain energy in Fall. Why do people send their kids out during summer? It's too hot. We personally live outside during Fall, if not in school. I could go on and on about Fall, but it would be safer for me not to, because I would literally never stop! The only damper on Fall is that it means school. But i can deal with that.
*Apple cider even deserves it's own color!
Since in Junior High, we don't have little parties on Valentines day or season-themed parties (which is kind of nice because friends give you personal gifts, and its something they wanted to do, and weren't forced to do it so it means more) they all get a piece of candy for desert, I need something so they have to give me something, and don't worry, because I do fully appreciate this.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Good Old School

What's better than waking up at six in the morning to go get your education, the basis of your future life? School: where you get to see what the term one-on-one time means when your teacher asks where your homework is*. School is also a place to meet new people, usually by thinking in your head, why the heck can't this person walk any faster? Don't they know I have a bus to catch? In school you'll learn what frustration really is, and you'll also be able to see (live!) what snobby little brats are. You will be given small tests (free!) that will show you that you were able to remember things from 2nd grade. School is the best place to go for 25 minute lectures (guaranteed!) and classwork assignments given a minute before the end of class. Everything here is guaranteed, or the PTA will ask for even more money. Go to how to torture for more information. And don't tell me school is good for you in the end. You've never been to my school.
*Thank goodness I have not had that happened to me!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Someone's Been Watching Too Much Batman...

Just to let you know, Lucy is obsessed with Batman the Animated Series and Justice League. So today when I got home from school, Lucy had been talking really rudely, so naturally she sent to time-out on the stairs/her room. She screamed and cried, and once upstairs we heard her say "Darn it! I was defeated again!". (Head shake) Something only our dear Lucy Anna would say. ;)

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


We have no school AGAIN!!! Apparently there are still a lot of people with no power, and blocked roads. I almost doubt now that we'll even have school this whole week.

Monday, August 29, 2011

The Hunger Games!!!!!

The Hunger Games. It's a book. It's a trilogy, really, and the first book in the trilogy is called the Hunger Games. It's a book about a post-apocalyptic North America, where there have been areas that have sunk underwater and a lot of earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, wars, you name it. Anyways, the land is split into 13 districts and the Capitol, which is where the president and all wealthy people live. Once you're there, you never leave and no one else comes. Except for tributes. The capitol controls everyone. The districts make food for the capitol and they tend to be poorer the higher the number of the district. Once, District 13, the poorest district, rebelled. They created nuclear weapons, so they could win. But they didn't. The Capitol, in the end, destroyed them. Therefore the Hunger Games was created. It is a game where 1 boy and 1 girl are chosen from each district and are thrown in an arena to fight to the death on live TV. When Katniss (the lead character) volunteers for her sister as tribute (don't worry that's not a spoiler) she must put her past behind her and face the future, at all costs. I made up that last bit! Anyways, it is now being turned into a movie! And I'm really excited for it but it doesn't come out until March 23rd !:( Last night on the MTV Video Music Awards they showed us a teaser trailer and I tried to tape the show but it didn't work!!!!
Edit:It's okay now, I found it online!
Thank you for listening to my crazy rants.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

This Catastrophe!

*Warning* Sarcastic post ahead. Hurricane Irene was devastating! We lost power for 5 minutes and we had a branch come down! They even closed the first day of school!!!!
Okay. I'm done being sarcastic.
It means nothing (nothing!) when they close school. School will be delayed with a DUSTING of snow. Imagine what it's going to be like this school year, if they close the first day (the first day!) of school. I'm not really complaining, I'm glad we have no school, but you have to see where I'm coming from. School is closed because some people have no power. Understandable. Now, since school is closed, Baltimore County will call homes to tell them that school is closed. Of course. Now, these people who we're closing school for, right? The ones with no power? Well, they have no power. Your thinking "yeah, I know that". But, they - never - get - the - message. Because - they - have - no - power. See? Kids stand outside for the bus for 20 minutes (It's the first day, so they'll already be out for at least 10 minutes anyways), the bus never comes, the parents drive them to school only to figure out that school is closed. Maybe some people will figure out, if people call them on their cell phones, that there is no school. But others won't.
Back to Hurricane Irene.
Did we get a hurricane last night? I never knew. I believe it "hit us" really early in the morning, so we were all in REM mode (REM: Rapid Eye Movement [I can't believe I didn't lose all my knowledge this summer :-D]). I'm feeling murderous at the weather people right now, who are still trying to make us believe that it is the end of the world and for ramping it up for all those places where it wasn't a huge issue. Yes, branches fell down here and yes, by the ocean, on as far east as you can go in the US, it was worse, but evacuating NYC? How would it be worse there than it was here? The mayor said, "All who stay behind may as well be prosecuted" or something like that. I saw people walking around with umbrellas and people sliding on the water on the streets. And when you really do need to evacuate, people will think that it's no big deal. Ughh... I need something to cheer me up.

Just a Little Tip

Today I was talking to my BFF and she said that she couldn't figure out how to comment on here. My guess is as good as yours, but this is how I'm guessing you do it:
  • Click "comments".
  • Write your comment.
  • Beneath the area for writing comments, there is a little white box.
    Click the arrow pointing down (there is not one pointing up).
  • Choose what you want to be seen as. You could choose anonymous (I spelled "anonymous" right the fist time!) or "Name/URL". For this you can choose NOT to put up the URL and only your name (that tends to be what I do but with this blog it shows my profile).
  • You can hit "preview" to see what your comment will look like.
  • Hit "publish" and you're done!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Just a Little Shout Out...

To my Best Friend! I hope you see this! I also want to put up this little poem I made for Beth when she and Claire and Abbie were at the doctor's office and I was at home watching Lucy and Ruth (I can't really count Ruth because she was asleep). I got tired of watching Batman the Animated Series so I stole Beth's journal and wrote a sweet note about Beth's great qualities and warned her to not turn the page. Assuming she would turn the page, I put on the next page, "I TOLD YOU NOT TO TURN THE PAGE HAHAHA!' and warned her again to not turn the page. Again assuming she would turn the page, I made this up randomly (quick note: Beth's nickname is "Boo" because that's how Lucy would pronounce it when she was a baby):

Oh, Boo,
Crazy you!
You stink up lots of rooms,
'cause your feet are like brooms.
They pick up lots of crumbs,
I would also suspect gum.
Oh, Boo,
Crazy you!

How I shall explain this?: Do not go near Beth's feet! They do tend to smell bad if you get to close. Beth really enjoyed the poem and the little note.
Good luck during this storm!,

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Happy Birthday, Mom!

Yesterday we celebrated Mom's 35th birthday! We started the day out by looking for Lucy's shoes (which ended up being right where they belong) and headed out to Union Mills, a little area with an old mill and a house from the 1700s. It's kinda like a very, very small Williamsburg. We took a tour of the mill and our kind tour guide gave us some free cornmeal and we got some whole wheat flour that he made from the mill. And he let us sample some cookies his wife made, and he gave us the recipe! Then we were given a tour of the house. Turns out the wife of the last family to live there was extremely creative. She was a very good artist and painted the walls and furniture. That house had a lot of history. Did you know that the battle of Gettysburg wasn't supposed to be there? It was supposed to be at that house but the army was 4 hours off! Anyways, we all had a really great time. Here are some pictures of our fun day:
Here is the mill from the outside. (Unfortunately I saw a sign that said no pictures in the mill or house, so I don't have pictures of those.)

I love the look on Beth's face and Lucy's face!

Here's a gorgeous garden they had full of flowers...

and it had some little grill-looking thing. What do you think it is?

Here's a cute, little fish pond they had at the garden. Do you see those pink flowers? Keep them in mind a second.

This is Lucy in front of the fish pond. Really gives you an idea of the size of the plants, doesn't it?

See! There are those little pink flowers. You know, I'm kinda proud of this picture :)


Now for a few different pictures (meaning 3). They are at the same place but in a tree. As we were leaving, Dad wanted to see what Ruth thought of the tree. So he put her in there and I took a picture. Lucy was too scared at first but after Abie went up (*click*) Lucy decided to go up, too. I leave her picture for the last, because it is awesome.

Abbie wasn't like the brave noble knight when it came to sitting in the tree, though. She quickly got down.

Ruth looks soooo cute!!!

Last but not least, Lucy, who was too afraid to pick her head up.
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) : ): ):) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

It's Been A Little Shaky Around Here...

I bet you know exactly what I'm going to talk about, but I'm going to say it anyways. The earthquake. I was sitting on the couch and I actually didn't hear it when I heard Mom yelling from her room where she was putting Ruth down for a nap. I, of course, ran upstairs and I was TERRIFIED out of my mind because I thought something was wrong with Ruth. I had that feeling, where adrenaline pumps throughout your whole body and you're ready to do anything to stop the problem, but you also feel that you might collapse any second. And then I felt it. It felt like somewhere, miles underground, the earth (which it was) was shaking. I immediately registered this as an earthquake, and it was so weird because I never felt anything like it before. Now, I have told myself, as like a personal rule, that in any natural disaster to go downstairs in our unfinished section where there are concrete walls and is partly underground. I was SO stupid. I didn't include an earthquake, because I really thought I would never feel one. It was literally one of the weirdest sensations I've ever felt. So, in my panic (I was actually feeling somewhat relieved because Ruth was okay, and I was so worried that something was wrong with her) I went to the worst place to go during an earthquake. That was all in about 30 seconds. I was personally shaking so hard it was almost hard to believe it was over. After that little trauma, I thought I would go back downstairs to make up for the terrible impression I had made during the earthquake. I was never able to make that up. The girls were terrified to go upstairs (which is ridiculous) and joined me downstairs. Oh, and did I mention that the whole time Ruth was just waving at us, which is her way of saying 'night-night!'
I'm also really excited for this hurricane.

Monday, August 22, 2011

5 Hobbits

Here's a small little post for and (kinda) by Beth, Claire, Abbie, Lucy, and little baby Ruth.
(I loove this picture!)

Me: So what do you think about this new blog?
Beth: I think that I need a blog too and it's not fair! And actually, I think it's kinda cool in a way.

Me: Claire, what do you think is the best thing about living in a family with only girls?
Claire: No matter what I always have company, and everyone's so nice!


Me: Abbie, what is your favorite memory?
Abbie: My favorite memory is going to Disney World.


Me: What is your favorite thing about having 4 older sisters and being an older sister to one yourself?
Lucy: Cause I can play with my sisters, cause I really really love them. Can I go now?

First Post!!!

Yay! It's my first post on my own blog!!! I think that having my own blog is a great place to put photos I've taken, funny stories from the girls (which is pretty much what I call my sisters), and exciting adventures, such as being caught outside, with no car on a leisurely walk back from the park, during a tornado warning. Oh, and how a for sale sign ripped off its post and flew straight towards us. Ah, memories. Also, I promise I will try to post often enough, and not take blurry pictures. Sooo: Welcome to my blog!